I planted all of the bulbs at the same time, but the yellow lilies flowered much earlier than the pink ones.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
More Lilies
I planted all of the bulbs at the same time, but the yellow lilies flowered much earlier than the pink ones.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The best $12 I spent was on these pink boots.
We were at Christmas Tree Shop in March when Jeff spotted them. I wanted something for dog walking in wet weather and working around the pond.
Jeff said for 12 bucks, how can you go wrong ?
The pink is rather bright, but I tell myself that anyone driving a car will be sure to see me on a rainy day.
The boots have been used almost daily for the past few weeks and were perfect for walking into the pond to remove a neighbor's recycle bin.
I thought that these were the most colorful boots you could get, until we went to NYC. I saw women there wearing neon boots and flowered boots. I guess I would have fit right in.
I wonder if Coop would like a pair of boots ?
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Rain, Rain, Go Away
We are all getting tired of the endless rain that has fallen over the last three weeks.
When we went to take Coop out this morning, I put on my pink rubber boots and rain coat. I skipped the rain pants, since it was lightly raining.
That turned out to be a mistake. Halfway thru our walk, the rain began to pour down. Coop was quickly soaked and wanted to head for home immediately.
By the time we got back inside, we were all wet. I dried Cooper off, but he was still damp. I am sure the house will smell like dog when I get back tonight.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Murray Feiss
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Polished Nickel

When we were choosing bath fixtures, we selected polished nickel. I wanted a change from the standard brushed nickel which is in our two other bathrooms.
I did not realize that polished nickle is a rarity in the world of lighting and towel bars. I had a very hard time finding knobs, towel bars and a light that would work well.
After I found the items that I liked and placed the orders, it turned out that all of the pieces are on back order. So, it will be a few more weeks until the bathroom is fully finished.
Monday, June 15, 2009
We took Coop for a walk in Wilton Center. At the end I stopped at the grocery store. While I went inside Jeff and Coop waited outside.
When I got out, Jeff said that a woman had come by and commented on what a pretty dog Coop was. The woman put out her hand and Coop sniffed it. She then knelt down and put her hands on both sides of Cooper's head and began to rub behind his ears.
Coop immediately gave her a big kiss and while she laughed he gave another wet one. The woman said what a sweet dog and walked away.
Coop continues to become more comfortable with people, which is nice to see.
Sunday, June 14, 2009

We went to see the Broadway musical Wicked. The show was FANTASTIC! I had heard it was good, but it was amazing, definitely one of the best shows we have seen. I would highly recommend buying tickets to see this musical.
Wicked shows are almost always sold out. We knew we had a hot ticket, when we were approached on the way in to sell our seats. Our seats were 10th row center and we had a perfect view of the stage.
There are many themes in Wicked: preconceptions,misconceptions, friendship, jealousy, "wicked" may be good and "good" may be evil. I won't even try to describe the political themes that are interwoven within an entertaining story and strong, moving songs.
After the show we ate dinner at Ben Benson's Steakhouse. I had heard a lot of good things about this restaurant, but we were disappointed. The food and service were ok, but not great. I expect that at a high priced restaurant the staff and food should be excellent. If you are looking for a good steak in NYC, there are better places.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Happy Birthday!
I love birthdays, not just my birthday, but friend and family birthdays as well. I love to shop and find the perfect gift or card. We too rarely tell people how much they mean to us and I am always looking for a reason to celebrate a happy event.
White roses are my favorite, but I have to admit that the white and red roses look fantastic together! They also smell so sweet.
Many hugs and kisses to Jeff.
Even Coop stops when he walks by the arrangement and takes a big sniff. With his super strong sense of smell, I wonder what he thinks ?
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Party of Eight
When I get home from work, Cooper is usually standing at the door with his tail wagging. When I got home tonight, there was no Cooper. When I looked around, I saw that Coop was curled up asleep on his bed.
I hoped Coop was not sick. I noticed that when we walked down the road, he seemed a little stiff.
It turns out that Coop had spent the afternoon with Molly, Mable and five other dogs. I have a feeling that all 8 dogs were probably tired after their afternoon play date.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Remembering Danny
It has been one year since Danny passed away and my heart still aches from the loss of this special dog. Not a day goes by that I don't think of Danny. Danny was a beautiful, smart and gentle dog who was easy to love.
Sometimes when I am in the house or yard, I find myself looking for Danny in his favorite places. I know that Silverback (woodchuck) would not be so smug, if Danny were still guarding the yard.
The bush that we planted in Danny's memory is growing big and strong. I look forward to seeing it flower in the fall.
When we adopted Coop, I thought that perhaps we were trying to replace Danny. However, I know that will never happen. My always, always boy will forever be in my heart.
We miss you Danny.
Monday, June 08, 2009
In or Out
The weather has been beautiful, so we leave the front and back doors open when we are home. Cooper loves to look out. He will spend all Saturday watching out the front or back door.
As you can imagine with the birds, chipmunks, woodchuck, etc running around, there is always something to catch Coop's eye. If there is anything of real interest occurring, Coop signals us with a bark.
When I let Coop out onto the back deck, he will run around, but once he spots us inside, he wants to come in. Of course, after a few minutes inside, he decides that being out is more fun.
After a few rounds of in/out, I get tired and say to Coop - "Enough - IN or OUT" ? At that point, he is usually hot and stretched out in the living room under the ceiling fan.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Window Treatments
Saturday, June 06, 2009
New Bling
Friday, June 05, 2009
Edible Arrangements
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Hummer's Here
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
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