I occasionally have to go into New York City in the wee hours in the morning. Usually the morning train is filled with dark suit Wall Street banker types trying to get a few extra
Z's before they start their day. But today was different. The train was abuzz with talk of Governor
Spitzer's indiscretions and how much of a "prick" (their words, not mine) he was to people in their line of business.
"With all his money, you'd think he'd pay cash", one rider joked with his seat-mate.
Getting off the train at 125
th Street in Harlem was not that much different. The freebie newspaper hawkers were trying to outdo each other for your attention. "He got nabbed!" won my business over "Read about the
Gov's honey!". The cover of AM New York proclaimed "Out With a Bang" and had some local details about Client Number 9's latest purchase. There was even an article suggesting the time may be ripe for NY Mayor Michael
Bloomberg to make a run at Albany in the next election.
Everybody had an opinion, even the doctor I was going to see. His comment was "you'd think that if he prosecuted things like this that he should be smart enough not to get caught." Good point.
At the bagel shop on the way back to the subway, one of the construction workers next to me was saying something about Jersey girls being the best in the world. The guy at the counter asked a patron "Do you think she'll leave him?", an obvious hint at Mrs.
Spitzer's future.
"Leave him? He'll be lucky if she doesn't STAB him!" to the laughter of the other bagel fetchers in line.
As I got back onto the subway, I spied a copy of that AM New York crumpled up in a ball on the tracks. "How appropriate", I thought to myself as the train steamrolled over it as the whole thing becomes a distant memory. Not so easy for
Silda and the kids.