Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A new visitor

This morning while playing ball with Danny in the front yard, we saw a fox for the first time. Danny showed no interest at all - the fox crossed the front yard and headed down the road.

Tonight while cooking dinner I looked out the window and the fox was back. This time strolling thru the back yard and into the woods. I always thought foxes were red, but this one is brownish.

According to Google, foxes like to nest in enlarged groundhog/woodchuck holes. I wonder if that means we have a new tenant under the shed.

1 comment:

  1. Valerie,

    Don't be surprised if you spot the fox den and some playful kits. Two years ago, at our house on nearby Cherry Lane, we had a pair of foxes take over an old woodchuck hole in our stone wall. They had five kits, little furballs who jumped and played in our front yard.

    A coyote killed one of the fox kits, which we got to see, kind of like the Discovery Channel in your back yard, but all part of nature's way, I guess.

    We see them, and the coyotes from time to time, but unfortunately they did not choose the woodchuck hole to den up in in these past two years, but they're around.

    Jeff Yates
