Well, not really an upgrade, more like a replacement.
Last Sunday our microwave started emitting some pretty funky sounds while running. Maybe we could have lived with the noise, but it stopped heating as well.
We spent the afternoon shopping for a replacement. Since the extent of our microwave cooking skills stops at heating vegetables, we knew we didn't need anything fancy.
Our first stop was Sears. We were prepared to get the cheapest black microwave they had in stock. We picked one out, but the sales associate said we wouldn't have it until Wednesday. I knew I wasn't going to install it until the weekend, but I wasn't
going through that again. So we passed.
Our next stop was Best Buy. Again, we looked at the microwaves and picked one out. Except they didn't have one in stock either. We passed again.
Finally, we wound up at Lowes. Sure enough, they had a nice basic GE oven in black. And it was in stock. Thirty minutes later, we were on our way back home with the oven in the back.
It took me about two hours to take the old one down and install the new one. Granted, the electrical was already done from the previous oven, so that made it easier. It had a really lightweight bracket that I thought would never hold something that big, but sure enough it's on there pretty solid.
So out of the four appliances in our kitchen, I've replaced three so far. Keeping my fingers crossed for the dishwasher, although I thought it would go before the microwave.