We were headed back from a walk and I had treats in my pocket. Since we were in the driveway, we thought it would be a safe place to test the dog's recall.
Jeff let go of Oti's leash and I called "Oti, come". Oti slowly wandered in my direction. When he got to me, he received a treat. Coop was up next. Coop never really focused on me, but eventually he arrived and received a treat.
We decided to try it one more time. When I called to Oti, he came racing towards me. 80 pounds of muscle moving at breakneck speed. Luckily, Oti hit the brakes at the last minute. It was obvious he had made the connection between coming to me and a snack.
Coop's second attempt was a failure. As Jeff let go of the leash, a butterfly floated by. All Coop's attention focused on the butterfly and no amount of calling or treat waving, got him to move towards me.
Seems like we need more indoor work.