Friday, October 09, 2009

Bear vs Deer

Sue Ellen, the dog trainer, recommended Charlie Bear treats as training incentives.

I was working with Otis on recall in the driveway using a 20 foot leash. I had a pocket full of Bears and Otis was coming when called.

All that changed when Oti spotted a deer by the pond. Oti charged towards the deer. I hung on tight.

I called to Oti to come back, but he ignored me. All Oti wanted to do was jump into the pond and get to the other side. Recall skills were forgotten. I hoped the leash would hold.

Trying to haul in a frenzied 80 lb dog is not easy. Even after the deer was out of sight, Oti kept trying to head back to the pond.

Bears 0, Deer 1

1 comment:

  1. Bev & Bailey11:16 AM

    I agree with Otis--It's more fun to chase the dream then go for the sure thing that's in the pocket!
