Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy Tax Freedom Day!

That's right, the average American Taxpayer (which is only slightly more than half of the population) has been working all year for the government until today.  If you're lucky enough to live in Connecticut or New York, keep plugging away until later in the month.  From CNN Money:

Each state has its own Tax Freedom Day. The day arrived earliest in Alaska and Louisiana -- on March 26 -- because of "modest incomes and low state and local tax burdens," the Tax Foundation said.
Mississippi, South Dakota and West Virginia celebrated soon after, on March 28, March 29 and March 30, respectively.
Connecticut, the state with the highest per capita income, will be the last to celebrate. Tax Freedom Day won't arrive until April 27, the 117th day of the year.
New Jersey, New York, Maryland and Washington will join Connecticut as the last states to celebrate. In these states, Tax Freedom Day will fall on April 25, April 23, April 19 and April 15, in that order.

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