Thursday, October 14, 2010


I finally threw out my old sheepskin slippers that Otis loved to carry around. I hoped that Otis would ignore my new slippers. Unfortunately, by the end of the first day, Otis realized that the new slippers would make a fun toy.

Otis loves to run upstairs, grab a slipper and carry it off. I may find a slipper in any room of the house. If Otis feels that he is not getting enough attention, he lays down in front of me with a slipper in his mouth. I go over to retrieve the slipper and Otis gets the attention he is looking for.

I knew I was in trouble, when Cooper grabbed a slipper and began to prance around with it. Coop's tail was wagging and he had a play with me look on his face.

I may be asking Santa for another pair of slippers for Christmas.

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