Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me! It is hard to believe that I moved to CT one year ago. At that time I thought no one would ever love me again. In a span of a few short weeks, I was abandoned, lived in a shelter and then was shipped from Alabama to Maine.
I had a great foster Mom, Linda, and was starting to hope again, when two strangers knocked on the door. The next thing I knew, I was on the road again.
When we arrived at my new home in Wilton, I was nervous. One look at their newly finished hardwood floors and figurines and I thought this will never work. I'm a big guy who loves to run around and wag his tail - how would I ever fit in ?
It turns out that Mom and Dad are pretty cool. The scratches in the hardwoods are called "character" and the breakables have been moved higher up.
I had a lot to learn; sharing the bed is ok, the couch is not, eating from the candy jar is a MAJOR offense. After a year, I have Mom well trained, a sigh or a sad look will get me extra hugs or playtime or a snack.
Each season has brought new visitors to our yard. Ducks in the spring, woodchucks in the summer, deer in the fall. Add in the foxes, turkeys and coyote and I never know what I may find.
These Golden days have passed quickly with a lot of laughter and some tears (being diagnosed with epilepsy). Through the ups and downs Mom and Dad have stood by me. Mom says we're a pack and a pack always sticks together.
Always - I like that word.