When Danny was chasing the ducks, the deer herd ran by on the far side of the pond. Poor Danny, he didn't know what he should be chasing! I am beginning to think we live in a wildlife refuge. The other night there was a raccoon on top of the bird feeder (I guess deer, raccoons and birds enjoy sunflower seed). Add in the hawks, woodchucks, birds, snakes, singing tree frogs, coyote, and skunk and we have quite the menagerie! And don't even get Jeff started about the bears!
The ducks fascinate me. The male ducks perform "duck fighting". I am not sure if the drakes are fighting over the female or if they are trying to claim dominance of the pond, but the males will attack each other. They flutter just above the pond, diving and chasing each other across the water. I have never seen anything like it. I know that the mallards will only be with us a short time. I will miss them, but will not miss their quacking at 6:00 am when they land on the pond. When 7 ducks land and QUACK,QUACK,QUACK for 15 minutes the entire neighborhood hears them.