Christopher Dodd has been in the Senate for 29 years. Six years prior to taking his seat in the Senate, he was a Representative for Connecticut's Second District. He's been a career politician for Thirty-Five years.
Chris Dodd has been in the spotlight as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. For example, he was one of the champions of TARP which put the American Taxpayer on the hook for $700 Billion dollars. Joe Courtney was the only part of the Connecticut Delegation to stand with the people and vote against the TARP.
Dodd was also the loudest voice when AIG employees received bonuses that they were contractually owed. When the voices got loud enough and the executives were pressured enough, Dodd proclaimed a victory for the American people. AIG Financial Products is a Wilton, Connecticut company.
Senator Dodd was an instrumental player in the $787 Billion Stimulus Plan further burying the American Taxpayer. While Barack Obama asked Congress to open the spigot, Chris Dodd grabbed with both hands and couldn't open them fast enough.
While Chris Dodd is off in the marble palaces of Washington, people in Connecticut are hurting. They're getting laid off in record numbers. We already pay some of the highest Federal taxes and get back sixty-two cents for every dollar we send to Washington. Now Dodd and his buddies in the Senate want to raise your taxes because you're not paying enough.
And while Senator Dodd rubs elbows with Political big-shots, his leader yanks funding for the F-22 Raptor and 3,000 Connecticut jobs with it.
Exactly who is Christopher Dodd working for? Voters of Connecticut, it's time to retire Chris Dodd.
Dump Dodd in 2010.