Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thank You Linda

When I got home from work today, there was a package waiting. I thought it might be my Lenox glasses, but it was addressed to Cooper!

Danny's Maine Mom Linda had sent Cooper a present. I told Cooper that the gift was for him and his tail started to wag. Cooper gave the box a sniff and his tail went into over-drive.

Cooper danced around the kitchen impatiently as I opened the box. I reached in and gave him one of the toys (a felt ball). Cooper raced out of the room, laid down in the family room and began to chew it.

I called Cooper back in and showed him a soft soccer ball with a squeaker. Cooper lives to tear out squeakers, so this toy may not survive for long.

There was the bag of treats that smelled so good (like molasses) I was tempted to try one. I gave Cooper a few of the cookies and he gave me a smile.

Thank you Linda!

PS - We are having problems with our camera, so there will not be any new pictures for a while

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