Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Not Our Ducks

On Sunday morning, I looked at the pond and saw two ducks swimming on it.

I immediately thought Maddy and Paddy (the mallard pair) had returned, so I went out with some corn. As soon as I got close to the pond, the ducks flew away. I knew that these were not our ducks.

This morning I looked out and the two ducks were back. I pulled out my binoculars and saw that they were a pair of wood ducks. I know that wood ducks are very flighty, so I just let them enjoy the pond in peace.

I don't know if Maddy and Paddy survived the winter or if they found a new home. It seems that sadly, they will not be back this year.

Cooper Update: Dr Duffy and I are playing phone tag, so I don't know the oncologist's recommendations. This may be TOO much information, but I found a great article about thyroid carcinoma at

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